“Is my business in need of a mobile app?”

This is a question that businesses are bound to ask at least once in their digital transformation journey.

More and more small and medium-sized businesses are opting for mobile apps to capture audience attention and service them better. Mobile apps constitute an integral part of our lives. From purchasing groceries to shopping for furniture, everything today is done through a mobile app. Companies with dedicated apps are more resilient when it comes to taking their digital marketing efforts to the next level.

Market studies predict that by 2023, the market spending on apps will increase by 92% globally.

If you want to keep your business future-ready and reap the massive benefits, then it’s time you invest in building a mobile app. If you’re still not convinced, consider the following advantages a mobile app can add to your business.

Provide additional value to customers

While businesses look to improve their brand’s visibility, the additional value they provide to customers sets them apart from the competition. You brainstorm with your employees regarding improving sales and one of the best ways to do it is to provide value that they won’t get anywhere else. Curate a customer-loyalty program that customers can redeem to purchase products from your brand. A mobile app can be used readily and customizing it to meet customer demands creates immense value. 

Increase brand visibility

21% of Millennials open an app 50+ times per day.

Being present where your audience is the key to maximizing reach. A mobile app increases the visibility of your brand like no other marketing can. Our mind is subconsciously trained to record every text and image and a well-designed icon can surely grab attention. As customers get a glimpse of your brand each time they unlock their phone, it increases the recall value of your brand.

Create a stronger brand

A mobile app is an excellent tool to generate awareness and cost-effectively maintain communication with your customers. Through regular contact, your brand can generate long-term trust with customers. A customized mobile app creates familiarity and generates brand loyalty. The ease of use, clean UX, interesting offers on app purchase, and excellent customer service aids in creating a stronger brand.

Strengthen customer relationships

Customer service has evolved and is no more limited to smiling at customers and showing them around the store. With billions of people having the reach to mobile phones instantaneously, mobile apps are the true game-changer in the world of customer service. Customers can easily complete their purchases through the app without waiting for your website to load or taking the hassle of visiting it. A mobile app makes it easier to shop, solve grievances and reach your customers at any time of the day.

Offer customers 24/7 access to your brand

Unlike a physical store, mobile apps are capable of offering round-the-clock access to your customers. They can shop anytime according to their convenience. With targeted marketing and to-the-point information, brands can leverage a mobile brand perfectly to address customer concerns. Customers can easily find the information they seek and get in touch with customer care representatives without waiting for service hours. The convenience that a mobile app provides is incredibly crucial for customers. 

Provide a great marketing channel

Brands usually spend a large chunk of their revenue on generating market buzz for their business. Mobile apps are a great tool for brands as it easily provides all the information and marketing offers through a single application. If you’re running a promotional offer, are providing a special-day sale, running discounts on particular products – it is all available at their fingertips. No need to spend time and energy creating elaborate advertising plans. Engagement tools like campaigns and contests can also be managed through the app.

Get excellent customer insights

In today’s age, information is power. Knowing your customers, their shopping habits, preferences, etc. is valuable data that brands can use to their advantage. A mobile app helps you gather crucial customer data on user behaviour, time spent on the app, areas most/ least interacted with, gather customer feedback, and much more. When gathered correctly, these insights can be used to create marketing campaigns that generate high ROI. Based on these insights, you can also correct the issues that customers are facing. 

 Build customer loyalty

Being easily accessible, a mobile app is an excellent tool for creating customer trust. It offers a platform to reach customers and engage with them effectively. With all the noise around us and the immense level of marketing – customers often lose sight of what’s important. Mobile apps can successfully cut the clutter and reach customers directly. When used properly, it can create long-term customer relationships that lead to a loyal customer base. A happy and satisfied customer is likely to refer your brand and grow into an ambassador of the brand.


Mobile apps essentially remove the need to adopt different marketing channels to promote their products and services. The platform in itself is self-sufficient to run campaigns and effectively cut down on marketing campaign costs. Mobile apps improve communication, streamline processes, simplify customer interactions, and boost employee efficiency by improving engagement levels. With targeted ads and in-app purchases, brands can further maximize their profits. 

Technology is constantly evolving and so are customer demands. Developing a mobile app is an effective way to not only meet customer demands but also to expand your business, and attract potential customers. After this, your question shouldn’t be “Does my brand need a mobile app” but rather “How do we start building a mobile app”. 

Citytech Software is a leading mobile app development company that has successfully developed both iOS and Android mobile apps. Our app developers can help you strategize the right approach to your brand’s mobile app development process.