The on-premise solutions that a majority of businesses developed used to be considered state-of-the-art, but with changing times these have now become less secure and less useful. While cloud technology was considered a “changing technology landscape”, it is safe to assume that the change is already here. As market disruptions continue to test organizations, accessibility and scalability have never been more important.

Moving your business to the cloud is a top priority now. Remaining stuck with legacy systems means that your business stands the risk of standing behind the competition and losing out on important business. But moving your entire business to the cloud won’t happen overnight. This requires a proper plan, preparation for your organization, and taking actionable steps. 

The benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cloud are innumerable and it brings significant value to your business. It reduces the risk of legacy systems and brings in autonomy and boosts overall business processes. The deployment to the cloud is based on future needs and assesses the present market situation pretty well. It’s time to leave legacy systems behind and move on to the future. The delay can be disastrous and leave you behind in more ways than one.

Let’s delve into the top reasons why it’s wise moving to Microsoft Dynamics 365 in the cloud:

1. Legacy systems are no longer good enough

The major pitfall is when business leaders believe that the system they have is enough and works just fine. This can be especially true for businesses in the finance and operations domain, leveraging the Dynamics AX and other different on-premise ERP solutions. The idea of changing or migrating to a different solution can seem challenging and trigger a ‘good enough’ reaction from users. 

Legacy systems bring complacency – which means the death of innovation and growth. While some leaders insist that on-premise solutions meet their business requirements, it is abundantly clear that the competition is leveraging cloud technology to accelerate growth and gain momentum. Dynamics 365 users are taking advantage of the out-of-the-box functionalities, data integrations, predictive analysis, and machine learning that is otherwise not available with legacy systems. These capabilities are outmanoeuvring the on-premise solutions.

2. Distinctive business needs

One of the biggest barriers to migration is the failure to recognize that every business has unique needs. This has stemmed from the fact that businesses believed that on-premise solutions that have been customized over the years address specific business needs. Migration to the cloud eliminates the need for cumbersome customization and avoids the underlying expenses on infrastructure and processes. The limited understanding of the capabilities of the cloud is forcing organizations to stick to the age-old legacy systems.

The cloud solutions offered by Microsoft provide agility and greater adaptability to meet modern business requirements. Migrating to the cloud is no mean feat and requires proper planning and resources. It is a large technology project that demands significant commitment from all the stakeholders. Out-of-the-box functionality; low-code, no-code; code extensions; and ISV applications, often remove the requirement for customizations commonly associated with legacy systems.

3. Ensuring security and compliance

Data security is a top priority for every organization. IT vulnerabilities make your system susceptible to various external threats and exploitation. Legacy systems are often touted to be impenetrable and believed that most attacks happen from outside the organization. While standard traditional on-premise systems have been a cornerstone of many businesses, it is important to realise the type of data threats has changed. On-premise systems rely on existing or sometimes backdated technology which is unable to cope with the latest threats to data.

The un-updated IT infrastructure poses a significant risk and can leave the business susceptible to online threats. The modern cloud-based solution by Microsoft uses the zero-trust security framework that assumes that potential threats have already breached the security gates. Microsoft actively verifies credentials and authentication to minimize any data risks or threats. Microsoft Cloud Solutions provide localized compliance, security, and governance updates regularly. This efficient and cost-saving approach allows your team to focus on high-end projects while leaving security worries to Microsoft.

62% of companies that have migrated to the cloud reported an increase in customer satisfaction.

Migrating to the cloud accelerates growth and productivity, and aids customization and adaptability. It boosts data security when compared to on-premise systems, leading to higher reliability and trust. Moving to the cloud is significantly important in today’s landscape to keep up with the competition and gain a frictionless experience.

At Citytech Software, our team of qualified and experienced Business Central Consultants are committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients. We are dedicated to enhancing the operational efficiency and employee productivity levels of your organization by leveraging the capabilities of the ERP tool. To migrate to MS Dynamics 365 and take your business to the cloud,